How To Boost Medium Trust And Reputation

3 Ways To Boost Medium Trust And Reputation!

Proven Medium Strategies For Building Reputation And Trust!

Deon Christie
Published in
9 min readAug 26, 2023


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Discover 3 Ways That Will Boost Medium Writing Trust And Reputation
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What you will learn from this Medium Story.

Why building Medium reputation and trust is important.

3 Ways to boost Medium reputation and trust faster.

Using these 3 ways to boost Medium trust for 10 months.

Ways to boost Medium reputation and trust summary.

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Why building Medium reputation and trust is important.

Among others, there are 3 best ways to boost trust and reputation on Medium. Boosting trust and reputation on Medium is important because, without trust, you might have little to no response.

But boosting reputation and trust does not just apply to Medium. Boosting reputation and trust is the proverbial “keys to the kingdom” when it comes to success. With pretty much anything you do online.

You must build a reputation as a professional in your field, in doing so you gradually earn your audience’s trust. We have quoted this from Zig Ziglar before, and we will do it again.

Because it is the best explanation for the importance of reputation and trust. We all know Zig Ziglar needs no introduction. People will only do business with you when they trust you, and that is why so many beginners fail online.

If people like you they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you.” — Zig Ziglar

They fail because they also fail to understand the importance of building reputation and trust. With Medium it is no different. If you want people to recognise you then you must be consistent. Gradually your recognition and trust will grow on Medium.

There simply is no better way to put this, trust and recognition are the cornerstones of success. Along with quality content that solves problems, and curious presentation. Combined it is a winning recipe for success.

You need to change your perception about making money online. Because it is never about the money, but rather the journey. It’s not about the sales, it’s how you can make people feel.

Solving problems is a great place to start. Because then people will remember you and gradually you will build reputation and trust. There is no turbo, there is no supercharger, and there is no shortcut to building reputation and trust.

Reputation is built, and through that trust is earned. If you want people to trust you, then you must give them a reason to do so. Therefore, let’s get into the 3 ways how you build trust and recognition on Medium.

3 Ways to boost Medium reputation and trust faster.

There are 3 undisputed champions when it comes to building reputation and trust on Medium. Or building reputation and trust anywhere else besides Medium. This is a winning formula. They are listed below.

Content That Solves Problems.

Commenting And Engagement.

Mention Other Professional Writers.

These are the 3 key strategies we find work rather well with building trust and recognition on Medium. Although it is no “fast” way, it does “speed up the process”. But more importantly, it ensures consistent growth. The latter of the 3 is the hidden “secret weapon”.

But you also want to build reputation and trust on Medium with audiences that will relate to your content. Readers that are looking for your kind of solutions to their problems.

Later during the course of this Medium story, we will share our true Medium stats. But only for the last 10 months, because that is how long we have been writing on Medium. Let’s dive a little deeper into these 3 key strategies, shall we?

Content That Solves Problems — If you want your readers to trust you, then give them a reason to. Always provide content that does one of four things as listed below. Because that is what most people are searching for.

Solutions To Problems.

Answers To Questions.

Guides To Complete Tasks.

Usable Free Stuff.

But before you can solve a problem, you first must know what the problem is, right? This is why you need to engage audiences within your profitable niche. Pay attention and find what they are struggling with.

Then it is up to you to do the research and find a solution that can solve their problems. With your content, you must gradually get recognised as a “problem solver”, not a “salesman”.

Commenting And Engagement — Commenting and engagement, this is how you boost profile views. That is why we keep hammering on making sure all your online profiles are completed as professionally as possible.

But just as you must provide quality with your content, with commenting it is no different. First, you must actually read the entire post on Medium before you comment. Or as we do, you can choose to “listen” to the audio version.

Add value to the topic when you comment on a Medium story. But never ever share any links in comments, it’s very unprofessional. Unless it is on your own Medium story, and your readers are requesting a link to something.

After you leave your comment though, you also want to look at other comments on the same post. Now respond to them too but pay attention to the profiles. Be sure their interests match that of your own.

Mention Other Medium Writers — This is where the real “magic” happens, mentioning other writers. You always give more than you take, and always focus on helping your readers succeed with something. But why is that? We have our own quote on this one!

Make People Feel Worthy, Appreciated, and Successful. And One Day they Will Be and so Will You!” — Deon Christie

We have said this before and we cannot place enough exclamation on the fact that “people will always remember how you made them feel!”. When you solve their problems, then you make them feel relieved. When you show gratitude, they will remember that too.

For instance, as you might have noticed. We do random Medium stories, mentioning our top responders. Show gratitude to your growing audience and it will grow faster. Mentioning other Medium writers is always appreciated by them.

Discover 3 Ways That Will Boost Medium Writing Trust And Reputation Response And Engagement
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Above you can see one such post as illustrated. Mentioning other writers on Medium. Posted 2 hours ago, already with 889 claps, and 24 comments (and counting)! That is the power of showing gratitude to your Medium readers.

Give your readers exposure, and in return, they will save and even share your Medium story. That way, you get exposure too, see how this works? You must first give before you can get.

Gratitude and kindness will always outperform arrogance, at any time of the day. Focus on how you can help others grow, and your growth will happen on its own.

Besides, apart from getting recognised as a problem solver, you will also get recognised as the “real” person you are. Real is very rare these days! But go about mentioning other Medium writers with style and moderation.

Don’t do a flood of posts every day and annoy other writers, we do it once per month! Sometimes once every second or third month. Because when you mention someone, then they are notified. Therefore, you don’t want to annoy your readers with floods of notifications.

Using these 3 ways to boost Medium trust for 10 months.

As mentioned earlier, we have only been back on Medium for around 10 months since October 6, 2022. Previously on Medium from 2017, we made a stupid mistake and had to start over.

But we’re no quitters, and it was our mistake to use the wrong auto-posting software without paying attention to the rules first. But that is a topic already discussed in another Medium story. You might want to read it below.

We guess you can say we learned “the hard way”. But here we are and we’re planning on staying, again. That said, moving on to the last 10 month’s growth. Leveraging these 3 undisputed champions of recognition and trust building on Medium.

Yes, it might not seem that impressive at all. But focus less on the numbers and notice the consistency. That is the important part. We have also done a check on our Medium profile views with Similarweb. Quite satisfying, but we’re saving that for an upcoming Medium story.

Discover 3 Ways That Will Boost Medium Writing Trust And Reputation Analytic Results On Medium
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

As can be seen illustrated above, our traffic stats for the last 30 days on Medium. Staying consistent at around 100 to 125 per day. After 10 months, perhaps that’s good, perhaps not. Let us know your opinion in the comments, we would love to know your thoughts.

Followers and subscribers also showed consistent growth. Increasing a little more every month, especially followers. Admittedly, we did lose quite a few subscribers, because when people have their email settings turned off in Medium.

Then you will receive subscriber notifications, but you will not see the subscribers in your Medium email list. That too, we have already covered in another Medium story titled, “Medium Subscribers Not Showing On Medium?”.

Discover 3 Ways That Will Boost Medium Writing Trust And Reputation Subscribers And Follower Growth
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

But after 10 months, one must also consider the fact that we are in one of the most competitive niches on Earth. Therefore, also face a lot of competition. Regardless, we are quite happy with this consistent growth by using these 3 principles.

The important part is that there is consistent growth, steady and consistent. At this current rate, our next year on Medium looks rather promising. We’re quite happy with the results. What do you think?

Ways to boost Medium reputation and trust summary.

Basically, you first lift other writers up and become visible through engagement. This is why commenting is so important. Consistency applies to both your Medium stories and commenting.

It all comes down to 3 requirements, or rather 3 things you need to focus on. Starting with the quality of your content, and how well it solves problems and offers solutions. That determines how people will remember you. Stick within the parameters of these 3 requirements and you should do just fine.

Content That Solves Problems.

Commenting And Engagement.

Mention Other Professional Writers.

But we cannot deny the fact that the latter of the three is a little more effective than the other 2. Because when you mention people, they get notified. And through curiosity, they are compelled to take a look.

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Did you know about these 3 ways to build trust and recognition on Medium?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “3 Ways To Boost Medium Trust And Reputation!” strategy is covered. And with that, increased reads on your Medium stories if you do the same, but all in due time.

It took 7 years and $40,000 to figure out, what you’ll discover Today! Revealing the exact money-making method that worked after years of failure! You won’t have to struggle or waste your time! — Source

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Deon Christie

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.