Meet Deon Christie!

“When you Work For a Boss, you HAVE to Get Up in the Morning. When you Do What You Love, you WANT to Get Up in the Morning!” – Deon Christie

As a verified Book Author on Medium. And certified Diamond Expert Author with My Ezine Articles. I have been researching and exploring the internet since 2011/2012, primarily on topics related to affiliate marketing, digital marketing and making money online. However, exploration also guided me through the art of content marketing strategies.

Content marketing strategies are just a series of actions resulting in one goal, kind of like a path you take your visitor on. A path where curiosity must be maintained, from one activity to the other. I love creating content marketing strategies and then testing them.

When they generate sales, I share them over my social networks, blogs, websites, and articles (Medium). Because reputation is worth more than all the money and sales in the world to me. The “secret” is to be a problem solver, not a salesman!

Your content marketing strategy is the most important part of your digital marketing career and empire. I have been testing multiple content marketing strategies for over a decade now.

I gathered advanced knowledge about the following:

Affiliate Marketing (Both Affiliate And Vendor). Article Writing (Blogging, Medium, Patreon, LinkedIn). Publishing eBooks (BookRix, Spring, Gumroad). Email List Building (A Weber/Get-Response). Buyer Traffic Strategies (Free And Paid Traffic). Content Marketing Strategies (Multiple Techniques). Blogging (WordPress, Google Blogger, Wix). AI Writing Software (Chat GPT, Google Bard, Writesonic). Websites (Wix/WordPress/Blogger/Google). SEO (Several Courses With Yoast SEO Academy). Social Networking (Groups, Pages, Spaces, Publications). Quora Spaces (Leveraging Multiple Niches). YouTube Video Channels (With And Without Making Videos). Google Sites (With Google Quiz Site Method). Canva Design (Websites, Posts, Videos, Presentations). Writing And Content Creation (Solutions, Answers, Guides). Medium Publications (As Editor and Writer). Online Stores And Shops (RedBubble, Teespring, CB Pro Ads)

And probably a ton of other activities and exploration expeditions I have already forgotten about. It happens, but engaging with audiences is always a good memory refreshment. In 2016 I received Diamond Expert Author Certification from My Ezine Articles Dot Com. While 2014 marks the year I launched my first hosted blog, currently Google Page Rank 3.

But, before 2014 and launching my first hosted blog. I also created multiple free blogs, websites, and Google sites as bridge pages. Along with multiple YouTube channels in all the top niches, Canva websites and much more.

After nearly a decade of failure, I built up enough knowledge to compete at a professional level. Every time you “start over”, you don’t start from scratch, You start with advanced and increased knowledge! No matter the level of "failure". The bigger the failure, the better the lesson! I have not failed for nearly a decade, I just found thousands of ways that do not work. But I did walk away with added knowledge every time, and built up quite the arsenal doing so!

As Thomas Edison so elegantly put it “I have not failed, I just found 10,000 Ways that Don’t Work!”. This is the inspiration, constantly ringing in my ears. He defined success in a single sentence, by illustrating the importance of perception!

Contact Me

Please DO NOT email me with anything remotely related to online dating, writing gig offers, or trading and cryptocurrencies. I have no interest, and you will be wasting your time and mine.

Click HERE To Contact Me Via Email.

Phone: On Request Only.

From: Johannesburg, South Africa.

Joined Medium: October 06, 2022.

Online Explorer: May 2011 - Currently (Still) Obsessed.

I also have my blog (as mentioned earlier) and website. Along with several social profiles on all the usual suspects. You may also choose to contact me through any of these options.

Published eBooks: Deon Christie

Apparel Store: Online Shoppers Cove

Digital Artwork: Buy Design

Connect with Deon Christie
Deon Christie

Deon Christie

Book Author

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.